Cuffs Representation Exam Q1

Analyse how representation is used in the episode to create meaning for a mainstream pre-watershed audience.

Jake is represented as a white homosexual police officer, we know this because he said "I'm gay" to Ryan. This creates meaning for a mainstream pre-watershed audience because a usual stereotype of a gay man would be feminine where as police men are presented as masculine in Cuffs so this would be seen as a countertype. When Jake said to Ryan he was gay there was no reaction from Ryan  which is good for a pre-watershed audience as it could be quite inspiring for young children to watch, because it proves to younger children they shouldn't be scared of their true identity


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  2. thank you for your comments, i have perfected my work

  3. A good response to an exam question Darcie. 3/5.

    Reflect and Perfect:
    Please use a green coloured text when reflecting and perfecting.
    - You need to focus on your phrasing as you second sentence doesn't quite make sense "We know this because when he said "I'm gay" to Ryan."
    - You have repeated yourself in the last sentence. Read over this and expand it. Make sure you have followed the PEE paragraph structure.

    Miss C

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