
Showing posts from January, 2018
What is Narrative ? The story/plot of the film Types of TV Crime Dramas Here is a list of different types of narrative structure within TV Drama with examples: Singles Drama/Film: Eric and Ernie Soap (continuing drama): Coronation Street Serial: BleakHouse Anthology series (self-contained episodes, each based on different characters): Heroes  Long form series drama: Lost  Long form series drama with some narrative experimentation: 24 Continuity Editing : An editing style that aims to present the text n a chronological manner and the reason it does that is to emphasise the real time movement of the narrative and to create a sense of realism for the viewer by giving the impression of continuous filming. Continuity editing creates a narrative that suggests a real experience of moving through time, even though screen time usually covers a much longer period. Audiences feel comfortable with a linear progression that reflects their everyday experience. ...

Reflect and perfect - winter holiday pack

Task 2 How do the representations of sexualities reflect the historical, contemporary, social and cultural contexts? In the set text 'cuffs', the view of homosexuality differed within society. Gay marriage was legalised in 2013, this is reflected in 'cuffs' because the main character Jake is openly gay. When Jake tells Ryan he is gay there is no reaction towards that implying a dominant represantion as it is accepted by society as a whole.  In 'The Avengers' we are to assume that Steed and Peel are both heterosexual. This is shown when  Steed sexually   hits Peel on the bum during their fencing game at the beginning. This reflects the historical context of the time because  in the 1960's,  it was illegal to be openly gay and if you were you could be prosecuted as it was a mental illness. in the 2010's there is no warning about any homosexual acts before a programme in worry of losing viewers as its a common, normal thing to be now and socially...

Narrative Task 1

Task 1 - 1960's TV Summary

1960's TV Summary Background of Television in the mid-1960’s -Tv was scarce  -Only 3 channels: BBC 1,2 & ITV -BBC2 not available on older tv sets  -Tv’s: Expensive ,small, unreliable, black and white  -No broadcasting for large parts of the day- all channels closed down at night  -Changing channels- Difficult, done manually (audiences were more loyal to one programme)  -No home computing or technology to watch any other sort of programmes on -Itv started - 1955, allow advertisements online BBC, introduced game shows  -By 1965- competition in the television market  -Itv- was financially secure, television could be highly regulated  Ownership, funding and regulation  -ITV & BBC not part of international media conglomerate (company that owns a lot of companies) -BBC- governed by Royal Charter and funded by licence-fee payers. -ITV- network of regional tv companies who competed with each other to...

Comparing and Contrasting title sequences

     H ow does the music style suggest what genre the show is?  The music from the opening of The   Avengers is an upbeat tune which reflects the time on 1960 being the year of fun and experimental music (Beatles etc). It also suggests a crime drama by the slow yet enticing beat that can be heard while 'sexy' pictures of Diana Riggs can be shown.  What does the typography of the graphics suggest about the show's era? The typography is bold and block, its quite plain and big because it shows the importance of the type of crime drama also it was set in the 1960's so the typography is not new and fancy but just old and quite boring. 3.      Explain how Patrick Macnee's character is represented via costume, props and facial expression. Patrick Macnees character is wearing a suit and looks very smart, so that represents he is of the upper class which may mean he is highly respected. He is shown holding a flower, this ma...